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My Approach

In 2015 is when I felt my passion for serving moms with fitness start. I got certified as a personal trainer and pre/postnatal certified as well. I started teaching mom-friendly fitness classes the following year. I loved it!


I had my second c-section in 2017 and my recovery was quite different. My body had changed much more than after my first and I was not getting into my pre-pregnant clothes as quickly this time around. I quickly realized that my nutrition was what needed to change. I found the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and fell in love! It was exactly what I needed to help focus on improving my overall health through fat loss.


My passion for nutrition was ignited and I got certified as a health coach. I always had a desire to serve the c-section Mama community and help them with their recoveries. I was so lost and confused after mine with very little guidance. Google was my source for answers and it isn't always a trustworthy place.


Creating a c-section recovery course was a dream of mine. I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with so many strong and amazing Mamas!

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